Sunday, April 08, 2007 

Fight the power

What's the latest go? One never knows. This blog is still plugging away, still making the point that the Guevarista Liberation Front may be knocked down, but it's far from out. It's still alive and kicking.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006 

Life goes on....

The march continues and it continue it will.......look for an update coming soon.

Thursday, February 23, 2006 

Ways to fight the power part 1

Well, as the march continues today, several new developments have happened in this struggle.

This all about getting even and putting the power into the hands of the people for once and for all.

For this endeavor, some TEFL teachers have put up a website to let school owners know who is the boss. This site is called TeflWatch.Org . If you support the people and fellow workers of the world cruise on over TeflWatch and show your support.

Sunday, October 30, 2005 


The world changes. It seems that GMA has been hounded by a damaging election scandal. We all know that she stole the election. We were on the ground during this struggle. We will continue this struggle for equality and transparency.

I expect in the next few days to have some further information that may be of use to people.

Now on to another topic for the day. I was noticing a site with some quirky news out there,, it might make for interesting reading, particularly the article concerning oil supplies.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005 

The March Continues

The march continues onward and upwards. Latest news that our newsletter is nearly completion and is scheduled for release on June 1st. You may subscirbe by email. We are planning nearly 3000 copies that will be placed in several places in several provinces detailing the work of the Guevarista Liberation Front. The GLF News will showcase several atrocities committed by the current regime and showcase several acts of corruption instituted by this current regime. If interested in helping with printing and distibrution, let me know and we can help you with the particulars.

The GLF is committed to working to bring the power truly to the people.

Sunday, May 08, 2005 

Overstaying in Fantasyland?

Overstaying in Fantasyland

This is another attempt by the burgeoise to attempt to make their own light on the sufferring of the country. They are only able to think on a macro level and totally ignore the micro level, the level of human sufferring in the Philippines is great and never abaits.

See, Filipinos are in a fantasyland, but this fantasyland was created by the major media companies in an effort to control the people. How can the people awake from it when the media will not allow it? This stranglehold needs to be broken in order for Filipinos to awaken and take their country back.

Mr. Esposo seems quite happy and content with having a middle class and upper class take over things just like they did in 1986. Mr Abat is trying to get the support of the upper classes as well. Why? The financial mismanagement of the Arroyo Adminsitration has affected the rich opposition. Yes, the control wavers of the government wavers between difference groups of the rich. The Philippines is an oligarchy with an outside veneer of democracy.

It has long been the time for Filipinos to rise up and I hope that we can help them. The New Filipino Cell of the Guevarista Liberation Front has been formed. This is the blog of the Guevarista Liberation Front. Helping Poor Filipinos take control.

A new manifesto for the Guevarista Liberation Front of the Philippines is being written as we speak and this will be distributed in barangays throughout the Philippines in the coming months. We are all comrades.

Saturday, May 07, 2005 

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all of our mothers. It is a great day in which we thank our mothers for what they have done for this. This is a day when we can not forget this and we must go on and endure for them.

This struggle is about mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. This is a battle for them, for children, born and unborn. Let us not lose site of this on this special day.

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